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Tennis instructor visits Kimberley indoor courts

Left to right, Matthias Larsen Fernie Tennis Community, Kieran Mabey Kimberley Indoor Courts, Graeme Lehman Kimberley Indoor Courts, Dan Gordon Fernie Tennis Community, Sandra Bernier Nelson Tennis Club, Emily Park Fernie Tennis Community. Rachel Gould Tennis Professional Association. Instructor. Photo submitted

Addressing the need for more trained coaches in the region this past weekend Tennis B.C. hosted their instructor’s training course at Kimberley’s indoor courts April 11- 14th. Six enthusiastic tennis players from Kimberley, Fernie and Nelson enrolled to take the course headed by TPA tennis professionals Rachel Gould who travelled in for the four day course.

Tennis lessons are often requested particularly over the summer, so now with more opportunities these new instructors can be reached through the Nelson Tennis Club, Fernie Sports and Kimberley Indoor Tennis Courts.