The Columbia Basin Trust has announced funding for more projects that help communities reduce operating costs and gain efficiencies while working toward climate resiliency goals.
In Canal Flats, the village is purchasing an electric vehicle, installing solar in the daycare and completion energy efficiency upgrades to the comity hall, such as improving the HVAC system. Total Canal Flats funding is $239,250
“These activities will significantly reduce operating costs, enhance our spaces for community members and showcase immediate impact based on our recently developed climate action strategy,” said Richard Wayken, Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Technology Officer. “This clearly demonstrates our Mayor and Council’s commitment to technology solutions. Canal Flats is utilizing technologically advanced systems to achieve an environmentally friendly living environment. Even children in the daycare will have the opportunity to learn about being environmentally conscious.”
Other East Kootenay projects include:
City of Cranbrook - $70,660 for purchase of an EV
RDEK - Install solar on Elko pump house and purchase of an EV and charging station, $185,000
District of Invermere - install solar on the courthouse and purchase an EV and charging stations, $97,900
Radium Hot Springs - install solar and compete energy efficiency upgrades on village office and public works building
In the West Kootenay:
RDCK- install solar on the Creston and District Community Complex, purchase an EV and charging system, $142.500
Creston - install solar on the emergency services building and purchase an EVE and two charging stations, $102,600
Fruitvale - install solar on the Beaver valley cold Care Centre; complete energy efficiency upgrades to village office, and purchase an EV and install public use charging stations. $106,125
Kaslo - purchase an EV and complete energy efficient upgrades on the Kemball Memorial Centre $170,100
Montrose - purchase an EV and complete energy upgrades to the community hall and village office $96,310
Nakusp - purchase an EV and install public use charging stations $76,100
Nelson - Purchase an EV $70,040
New Denver - complete energy efficiency upgrades on the sun Hall, $20,700
Salmo - install solar and complete energy efficiency upgrades to village office and public works building, $78,600
Silverton - install solar to municipal complex, complete energy efficiency upgrades on Memorial Hall and the village office, and purchase an EV and charging stations, $299,000
Trail - purchase an EV and charging station $93,750