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McKim students make a difference

McKim Middle School presents Recognition Certificates to Community Leaders
Graham Mann and generous McKim students.

Following their class’s participation in a Young ShelterBox Canada presentation on November 6, Sydney Hoko, Emery Hoko, Hali Gustufson, Taryn McLeod, Cindy Reimel and Trenan McMillan used their collective leadership skills in different capacities to provide support to a community service project. Their awareness of ShelterBox and their caring for disaster victims needs,  led then to share information. Through bake sales, excellent salesmanship and community donations they collected enough funds to allow ShelterBox Canada Ambassador Graham Mann of the Kimberley Rotary Club to purchase an entire ShelterBox. This box will be recorded as the McKim Middle School ShelterBox, allowing all who are interested to track its deployment to those in need some where around the world. Simply go online to We give thanks to these community leaders for their outstanding initiative.