This coming Monday, June 26, Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook is hosting a spring cleanup at the Marysville Eco Park.
As part of greater recovery efforts on Mark Creek, Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook established the Marysville Eco Park in 2004. Once a gravel parking lot serving the Marysville Falls, Wildsight partnered with the City of Kimberley to excavate and restore the streambank, and to establish native tree, shrub & herbaceous plant species on the site. Local sculptor Tony Austin created trout sculptures for the Eco Park, and signage and picnic tables were installed to invite visitors to the space.
Every year, Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook hosts Volunteer Workbees at the Eco Park to clean up waste, remove weedy or invasive plants, maintain signage and more to ensure the space’s inviting, natural beauty into the future.
Wildsight is hosting this year’s Spring Cleanup on Monday, June 26th from 6:30-8:30 pm, and they’re looking for volunteers to help weed and mulch the beds, trim the grass and clean up refuse collected over the season.
Representatives from the East Kootenay Invasive Species Council (EKISC) will be on-site to educate volunteers on invasive plant identification and treatment: a valuable take-away for any gardener.