Wildsight’s Youth Climate Corps will again be putting together teams in both the East (based in Kimberley) and West Kootenay (based in Nelson) for the coming year.
The Climate Corps seeks youth who want kickstart or further develop their careers in climate related fields.
Crews receive professional certifications, mentorship, leadership development, and practical work experience.
Each community’s YCC program looks a little different. That’s because Wildsight tailors seasons to local needs, wants, and existing programs. Project partners vary from community to community and YCC works alongside multiple organizations to achieve locally-desired aims.
Youth Climate Corps members work right in the community . For instance, last summer the Kimberley team spent time sampling the fish population of a local creek to find out whether the creek’s cutthroat trout population was still viable.
Another team in Golden worked on food security from farm to plate. The tackled invasive species, picked produce, manned markets and provided labour for local organization working on sustainability and climate resistance.
The contract runs from May 6 to August 24, 2024. Participants will be prodded training in:
• Introduction to fire ecology and wildfire fuel sampling methods
• Basic chainsaw operation and maintenance
• Introduction to local food systems
• Introduction to stream and wetland restoration practices
• Gardening design basics
• Exposure to Ktunaxa perspectives on the land
• Leadership and communication skills
• Social media strategy
• Knowledge of local ecosystems and how climate change is impacting this area both presently and in the future
• Introduction to levels of government, community partners and methods for community engagement
Each team is seek two to four members. You can apply at wildsight.ca