The city of Kimberley, along with WildSafeBC, are reminding residents about the danger of feeding wildlife, of any size.
Deer, for instance, spend more time in a community if they are being fed. This increases their chances of being injured or killed on roadways. And if deer stay in the community, their predators, such as cougars, follow.
As for feeding birds, WildSafe says at certain times of the year and if the feeders are cleaned regularly and managed properly, bird feeding is okay. However they advise that the feeders be taken down during spring fall so you aren’t providing a food source for bears.
Bears are very smart and have no trouble accessing most bird feeders, along with deer, rats, squirrels, and raccoons. Avoid feeding bread, cereal, or any other human foods to birds. These foods can be harmful for toxic for birds to ingest.
There are ways you can support wildlife without feeding them. WildSafe suggests you consider donating to a conservation organization, or volunteering at a local wildlife rescue.
Also, fall will be here before we know it and it’s important to keep the fruit picked from your fruit trees as it ripens. Wildsight Kimberley/Cranbrook have a number of resources to help with fruit picking if you need assistance.