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The pot petition

Look for Sensible BC at Oktoberfest this Saturday in Kimberley

The Sensible BC Campaign has until December 5, 2013 to gather enough signatures to force a province-wide referendum on the decriminalization of marijuana. The petition calls on the BC government to pass the Sensible Policing Act, which will stop police from searching or arresting otherwise law-abiding citizens for possession of marijuana. In order to get a referendum in September 2014, ten per cent of voters in every riding must sign the petition. The only petition to ever make it to the referendum stage is the HST petition. Sensible BC volunteers want theirs to be the next one.

Heading up the campaign in Kimberley is Ashley Taylor. She says the hunt for signatures is doing well.

“Things are going great,” she said. “It’s been  very very busy! We have been signing up new canvassers throughout the district, but could always use more. We are feeling very confident though — things are looking good.

“It’s taken a lot of planning and getting everything lined up with canvassers and other volunteers but things seem pretty set now so its just a matter of collecting the signatures we need and that’s that.”

Taylor plans to be visible this weekend with the petition. She plans to have  a presence at Oktoberfest activities this Saturday in the Platzl. Just look for the Sensible BC logo. There will also be a table set up Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. at 465 Mark St. (beside the liquor store).

If you would like to help the Sensible BC campaign, email Taylor at