The City of Kimberley is considering an amendment to Zoning Bylaw No. 1850, 1994 affecting the property at 419 Alpine Crescent, legally described as Lot 6 District Lot 3069 Kootenay District Plan 12178 (PID 008-107-521). Proposed Bylaw No. 2747, Amendment No.169, 2023 to Zoning Bylaw 1850 would rezone the property from Residential Zone (R-3) to Residential Zone (R-1), to legitimize the non-conforming single-unit dwelling use, and to allow for the construction of a garage.
More information on proposed Bylaw 2747 and the accompanying information may be inspected at or at City Hall.
Council has indicated intention to consider First Reading of Bylaw 2747 on July 24th, 2023. Given the proposed zoning conformance with the City of Kimberley Official Plan Bylaw 2600, Council will not be holding a public hearing. You may provide input to the proposed bylaw by submitting your comments in writing to City Hall (drop-off in mail slot, e-mail or fax 250-427-5252) by 2pm on the day of the First Reading of the Bylaw.
All submissions will form part of the public record.
Questions? Please contact Erian Scott-Iversen, Planner, at 250-427-9667 or