Notice is given that City Council will hold a Public Hearing in consideration of Bylaw No. 2732 and Bylaw No. 2733 (ZA2022-006) on:
Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 7:00 pm
In-person or written submissions only
McKim Theatre at McKim Middle School, 689 Rotary Drive
Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 7:00 pm
Telephone or written submissions only (see call-in details below)
City Council is considering an amendment to Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2600 and Zoning Bylaw No. 1850, 1994 affecting the properties located at 1006 304th Street (PID 018-558-241) and 361 315thAvenue (PID 013-052-233). Proposed Bylaw No. 2732 would amend the properties’ Official Community Plan land use from Industrial to Commercial, and Bylaw No. 2733 would rezone the properties from Industrial, Wholesale and Transportation Zone (M-1) to Commercial Service Zone (CS-1). The amendments are proposed to accommodate a highway commercial retail centre that includes a restaurant with drive-thru service, carwash, service station, and general retail uses.

More information on proposed Bylaw No. 2732 and Bylaw No. 2733 and the accompanying information may be inspected at until June 28, 2023.
How to participate on Tuesday, June 27, 2023:
- Share your comments in-person by attending the public hearing at McKim Theatre at McKim Middle School, 689 Rotary Drive; or
- Submit your comments in writing with subject line “Bylaws 2732 and 2733” to City Hall (drop-off in mail slot, email or fax 250-427-5252) by 2pm on the day of the hearing.
- Note: there is no option to attend the hearing on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 via telephone. Submissions must be made in writing or in-person.
How to participate on Wednesday, June 28, 2023:
- Share your comments via telephone during the hearing by calling 1-800-741-7180. Please call by 6:50pm to register into meeting number (access code) 2770 259 5729, then enter the “#” symbol when asked for attendee number. You will be able to hear the meeting but you will be on hold and muted until it is your turn to speak; or
- Submit your comments in writing with subject line “Bylaws 2732 and 2733” to City Hall (drop-off in mail slot, email or fax 250-427-5252) by 2pm on the day of the hearing.
- Note: there is no option to attend the hearing in-person on Wednesday, June 28, 2023. Submissions must be made in writing or via telephone.
All submissions will form part of the public record. Council is not able to receive further information or submissions after the conclusion of the public hearing.
Questions? Please contact Erian Scott-Iversen, Planner, at 250-427-9667 or