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Letter: Seeking information about former Kimberley resident

Letter: Seeking information about former Kimberley resident

Good evening,
Letter: Community action to reduce emissions

Letter: Community action to reduce emissions

A lot can be done locally for climate change
Letter: Kimberley property tax increase difficult to manage

Letter: Kimberley property tax increase difficult to manage

The increase to property taxes in Kimberley for this year is as absurd as city council’s justification of it. A 5.58% increase combined with rising property values has personally resulted in a 24% increase to my taxes. The insert with the taxes that claims “A single-family home assessed at $426,770 will see an increase in approximately $136.
LETTER: Parking at EK Regional Hospital

LETTER: Parking at EK Regional Hospital

Congratulations to the East Kootenay Regional Hospital Joy Reduction and Cash Enhancement Committee for noticing that way too many patients and visitors were passing along parking tickets that had unused time left, and, by doing so, were creating an unacceptable atmosphere of friendliness, cooperation and comradery in the parking lot.
Letter: Opposed to Swan Ave. playground

Letter: Opposed to Swan Ave. playground

This letter is on behalf of the homes on the west side bordering the proposed Swan Ave. playground. Our esteemed mayor and council, in their wisdom, have chosen to bestow a legacy of noise and privacy concerns for the immediate future coming from excited children using playground apparatus such as zip lines.There is no thought of opposition to a playground. For many reasons the choice of the Swan Ave green space is the wrong location.
Letter to the editor: The old airstrip

Letter to the editor: The old airstrip

The old airstrip, on route to Tata Creek, is now the home to at least 10 firepits. Some of which are literally feet away from their neighboring pits. What once was a single lane, dirt road, has become an arrangement of corduroy ruts laid across the landscape.
Letter: My response to a recent letter to the editor about our flag

Letter: My response to a recent letter to the editor about our flag

My Response to a recent Letter to the editor about our flag
LETTER: To the public from Kootenay Boundary family physicians and nurse practitioners

LETTER: To the public from Kootenay Boundary family physicians and nurse practitioners

“People in our communities are still becoming seriously ill with COVID, lives continue to be lost”
LETTER: Flying the flag

LETTER: Flying the flag

We had a dilemma in the last few weeks. Do we keep flying our Canadian flag to show our pride in being Canadian or bring it down because it’s true meaning has been corrupted by the far right agenda. We say agenda as we are not sure what they stand for, except some form of anarchy. It is sad that we have become a nation of people suspicious of our Canadian symbol.
Letters: differing opinions on wolf cull

Letters: differing opinions on wolf cull

BC Wolf Slaughter: Talk about Sensationalism